Friends of the Fortified Bedford House
A 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation dedicated to funding the reconstruction, renovation and maintenance of the Fortified Bedford House at 111 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA
to join in the effort to restore, renovate and maintain this very historic building. You can join in this effort by making a charitable contribution.
Friends of the Fortified Bedford House is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) group created to accept contributions from any person or company who wishes to invest in the history of Bedford County.
By becoming a 'Friend' of the Fortified Bedford House, you will be part of this historical project by helping to ensure that this structure, originally built contemporary with Fort Bedford, will be restored to its original glory and maintained for years to come.
The Friends of the Fortified Bedford House receives no funding from County, State or Federal entities, so contributions by donors such as you will be sincerely appreciated.
Contributions of any amount are welcomed and will be tax deductible. Also, if you are currently employed, please check with your employer to find out if your company matches charitable donations.
Personal checks, in whatever amount, should be made payable to the order of: "Friends of the Fortified Bedford House" with the words: "Friends Contribution" written in the memo field. They should be mailed to "Friends of the Fortified Bedford House" at 111 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA 15522. Credit cards accepted in person at Peppercorn Market, 111 S. Juliana St., Bedford.
If you have no heirs, you might also want to consider bequeathing your estate to the Friends of the Fortified Bedford House at your demise.
Click on this button to access a form to use to make a donation to the Friends of the Fortified Bedford House. Use your 'Return' function of your browser to return to this website.