A Gallery of the Fortified Bedford House
Multiple Views of the Building at 111 S. Juliana Street

According to William A. Jordan on page 25 of the Official Program Bedford County 1771-1971 Bicentennial, the image above was of the building circa the year 1885. He stated that it would have been the home of the David F. Mann family at the time.

This image might have been taken circa 1890 when the Post Office was conducted on the ground floor of the original half-timber structure (in the easternmost end of the entire building). The Post Office might have been the reason for the door close to the northeast corner. By 1896, the Post Office was no longer a tenant of this building. It had been replaced by an insurance company.

This view shows Juliana Street at a time when horse and buggy was the way to get around. Notice the large clock on the sidewalk outside the building. Also notice that the porch roof that extended out over the sidewalk is no longer attached to the building's storefront wall. Instead, what looks like a material awning was attached to the facade so that it could be extended over a portion of the sidewalk if necessary.

The insurance company was probably still occupying the original half-timber structure in the early 1910s when, according to the type of automobiles lining Juliana Street, the photo above was probably taken.

The building sported a second floor balcony in the 1940's and 1950's as shown in the photo above from 14 February 1950. It is possible that the balcony was not intended solely to provide a balcony for the second floor apartment, but might have been more intended to function as a sort of porch roof over the first floor storefronts.

In the year 2009, the building looked like the image above when owned by Mitchell Jewelers. The second floor balcony had been removed by this time. A barber shop occupied the south section of the building. By 2015, the barber shop would be replaced by Lovey's Creamery.

Peppercorn Market moved into the south section prior to 2019 when the photo above was taken.

The building, following much renovations appears like this currently. The colored window panels at the top of the storefront bay windows were revealed by removing the plywood panels.